Hotel Tariff - Manla Homes Resort

Villa / Room TypeEPCPMAPAP
 Luxury Suites / Hut6999/-7599/-9199/-10799/-
 Luxury Room5999/-6599/-8199/-9799/-
 Deluxe Room4999/-5599/-7199/-8799/-
3 Bedroom Villa18000/-19800/-24600/-29400/-
 Extra Bed1700/-2000/-2500/-3000/-

Taxes As Per Applicable


  1. In luxury villa the accommodation for a maximum number of 6 Adults and only 2 accompanying children up to 6 years.

  2. Below 5 year child is complimentary and above 5 to 12 year is 25 % extra from above package. Floor bed shall be provided.

  3. The booking charges are payable in advance.

  4. Other services are payable in advance.

  5. In case of cancellation before 72 hours 50% booking amount will be refunded only.

  6. Checkout time 12:00 noon.